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What Resources are there for parents of addicts in Florida?



People struggling with addiction are not the only ones affected by their addiction; their family is also deeply impacted. When families eventually reach out for help with addiction treatment, the addiction has reached a crisis stage for both the family and the addict. There are programs and services in Florida to help those who are struggling with an addiction but also their family, whether it be spouses, parents, caregivers, children, or spouses, because everyone feeling the effects of addiction deserves support and healing. There are services that range from support groups to coaching from addiction counselors.

Family involvement is essential for the recovery process because one of the most important factors in addiction treatment and sobriety is the strength of the support system around the person. However, the emotional, physical and mental weight of a loved one’s addiction can weigh heavily on the family, so proper support for them is also crucial. Family support groups provide a safe and supportive environment for families to find the support they need to process their pain and heal. Support groups for families in Florida are Al-Anon, Alateen, Families Anonymous, GRASP, NAMI, Nar-Anon, PAL Group, and Smart Recovery. Further information can be found on their respective websites.

As said above, addiction does not only affect the addict and their parents; it can also affect spouses, siblings, and their children. Support groups for spouses/couples are Recovering Couples Anonymous or Al-Anon for Spouses and partners. Siblings of drug addicts can access support through SHARC Sibling Support Program and Al-Anon for Siblings. Lastly, specifically for parents, support can be found through Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) and Al-Anon for Parents.

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