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Oxycontin Addiction Intervention and Treatment in California



Oxycontin addiction intervention and drug rehab options in California include medically assisted drug detox, medication-assisted treatment, residential drug rehab, and outpatient drug rehab options. Treating opioid addiction requires a well-rounded approach because of how addictive oxycontin becomes. When searching for drug rehab programs in California, there are different options for the family to consider. Initially, an addiction assessment with a qualified healthcare professional, drug rehab referral agency or family interventionist is beneficial. The purpose of an addiction assessment is to determine the extent and severity of addiction and recommended suitable drug rehab programs. In addition, families should take advantage of their private or state health insurance plans. Most health insurance covers some part of drug rehab, but the extent of coverage depends on the health insurance plan type.


What is Oxycontin, and How is it Used?

Oxycontin is a time-released form of oxycodone, which is a semi-synthetic opioid pain medication. Oxycontin contains large amounts of oxycodone and is notably responsible for much of the initial stages of the opioid epidemic. Oxycontin is a semi-synthetic opioid prescribed for chronic or long-lasting pain. The active ingredient in oxycontin is oxycodone, and typically it ranges from 10 to 80mg of oxycodone in a time-released tablet. Generally, the drug is prescribed to be taken as needed and given as a tablet form. Patients are prescribed oxycontin to manage chronic pain, and it is also prescribed to cancer patients to help decrease pain and improve function. However, the drug has a long history of being abused, more so than most other pain medications. Someone who misuses oxycontin will crush the tablet and ingest or snort it, or it could be diluted in water and injected into the bloodstream. Crushing or diluting the tablet disarms the timed-released action of the medication.


What are The Signs and Symptoms of Oxycontin Addiction?

Oxycontin addiction is dangerous, and drug rehab centers in California offer comprehensive treatment approaches to manage opioid addiction. Like any other opioid addiction, there are common signs and symptoms, physically, psychologically, and behavioral. For example, this may include itching, constipation, dry mouth, hallucinations, abnormal thoughts, dilated pupils, diarrhea, lack of hygiene, becoming secretive, and possessing multiple prescriptions of oxycontin or other pain medication. Most people addicted to pain medication like oxycontin may have begun to consume too much or take it too often. In addition, the individual may attempt to stop taking the drug without any success. Opioid addicts spend a significant portion of their time getting oxycontin, using it and recovering from the effects.

Oxycontin addicts will experience strong cravings and urges to use the drug and experience withdrawal symptoms when they do not have the drug. As a direct result of their drug use, they cannot adequately fulfill obligations tied to home life, work, school, or recreational activities. Opioid addicts continue to abuse oxycontin despite the negative outcomes on their relationships. Abusing oxycontin causes worsening psychological or physical issues that become worse as the drug addiction continues. Oxycontin addiction requires proper drug detox and residential drug rehab in California to treat all aspects of addiction adequately.


What are the Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Oxycontin Use?

When oxycontin is abused by crushing, snorting, or chewing the drug, the effects are felt quickly. Overall, the short-term and long-term effects of oxycontin abuse vary, but it is a central nervous system depressant. An oxycontin overdose can cause respiratory failure and death. Overdose symptoms include cold and clammy skin, confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea, reduced vision, seizures, slow breathing, small pupils, tiredness, vomiting, and weakness. Some of the initial short-term effects of oxycontin include itching, sweating, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, headache, and fatigue. Long-term effects of oxycontin use include tolerance, dependence, withdrawal symptoms, and addiction. However, other effects include abnormal thoughts, confusion, anxiety, abnormal dreams, insomnia, depression, agitation, and hallucinations. Drug rehab programs and drug detox programs in California help addicts regain control to prevent an oxycontin addiction from worsening.


Oxycontin Addiction Treatment and Detox in California

Oxycontin addiction treatment and drug detox in California involve different steps and approaches depending on addiction severity. The first step in treating oxycontin addiction is a medically supervised drug detox. Early withdrawal symptoms include mood changes, anxiety, irritation, sleep changes, muscle aches, cramps, yawning, and cold or flu-like symptoms. Later withdrawal symptoms include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, reduced appetite, blurred vision, shivering, and high blood pressure. Medical detox programs manage these symptoms and ease discomfort during the course of the detox. Initial withdrawal symptoms occur within four to eight hours and can last upwards of two weeks.

The next phase of drug rehab involves attending a residential or outpatient drug rehab center in California. Residential drug rehab is usually the better option because more counseling and therapy options are provided. Behavioral therapies are the most common approaches used, including 12-step facilitation, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and family therapies. Many of the drug rehab programs in California incorporate holistic drug rehab and faith-based approaches. No single form of drug rehab is right for every person, and treatment settings and interventions should meet the need of the addict.


Family Intervention for Oxycontin Addiction in California

Most people struggling with opioid addiction are not always willing to admit they need help or accept prearranged drug rehab. Family intervention in California is an excellent option for families to motivate a drug-addicted loved one to accept drug rehab. The best way to plan and organize a family intervention is with the help of a professional interventionist. A family intervention is a carefully planned process, and it helps the family regain control and save the life of the drug-addicted family member. Oxycontin is a powerfully addictive drug, but with the combined help of friends, family members, and an interventionist, an addict is effectively motivated to accept drug rehab. Unfortunately, opioid addiction impacts many individuals in California. According to a Behavioral Health Barometer, between 2017 and 2019, the annual average prevalence of past-year opioid use disorder in California was 0.6%. In addition, 45% of drug overdose deaths in the state involved opioids in 2018.



NIDA. “Prescription Opioids DrugFacts.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 27 May. 2020,


NIDA. “California: Opioid-Involved Deaths and Related Harms.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 3 Apr. 2020,


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Behavioral Health Barometer: California, Volume 6: Indicators as measured through the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services. HHS Publication No. SMA–20–Baro–19–CA. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020.

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